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Bricklaying with daydreams, creative demolition, first aid for sick buildings, dissolving signs, beating boundaries, speaking truth to architecture and mapping hallucinatory post-truth urban landscapes...

The Architect-Walker is Wrights & Sites' latest anti-manifesto for changing a world while exploring it. If their publications An Exeter Mis-Guide and A Mis-Guide To Anywhere took walking for a walk, then this time it is architecture that is on the move.

Published by Triarchy Press, with design and images by Stuart Crewes, The Architect-Walker was officially launched on 28 May 2018 as part of Art Week Exeter, with an afternoon of walks and a book launch at Boston Tea Party in the evening.

If you are in the UK, you can buy a copy of the book here.

If you are not in the UK, you can buy a copy of the book here.